About Dr. Hamilton, ND
Hey, I’m Dr. Marsha
Hey, I’m Dr. Marsha, naturopathic physician of 15 years, creator of the Wild Pursuits Method, and a lifelong athlete. My athletic endeavors started in the pool at the age of 5. After a decade and a half of competitive swimming, I hung up my swimsuits and transitioned to a life of mountain adventures.
I moved to the Pacific Northwest from Canada for naturopathic medical school and completed extensive training and mentoring in women’s health. Upon graduation, I decided to stay in the PNW to establish a women’s health care practice.
I quickly realized the conventional medical model only focuses on disease care, not health care. It’s a disheartening system that disregards basic wellness and quality of life, choosing to wait until a person is struggling or debilitated by a pathology before offering any solutions. This is even more apparent with perimenopause and menopause.
After years working alongside this broken model, trying to restore health and autonomy to my patients, life gave me a wake-up call. A climbing accident resulting in significant injuries and a challenging recovery forced me to reconsider everything about my life, including how I could and wanted to support my patients.
As I worked to rebuild my body and regain all the pieces I had lost, I started the process of overhauling my practice model and focusing on my passion: supporting perimenopausal and postmenopausal women in pursuing their wildest, most ambitious goals and dreams regardless of age or hormone status.
That life-changing event, following years of working within a dysfunctional healthcare model and decades of pursuing the best way to eat, train, and supplement as an athletic woman, allowed me to build a new model – one that truly supports women and especially active women going through perimenopause and menopause.
I work with women one on one in a traditional naturopathic model, focusing on specific areas of concern and utilizing functional lab testing as needed. I also offer a 6-month, high-touch, fully comprehensive functional lab program that does a deep dive into your physiological uniqueness called the Wild Pursuits Method.
Education and empowerment are vital to thriving in this world. To make sure women have access to information on how to build strong foundations and habits that will support them now and for years to come, I also offer group educational programs.
Perimenopause and postmenopause are not pathologies but normal transitions in every woman’s life that can bring debilitating and life-altering symptoms. The current medical model is often insufficient and overly dismissive toward menopausal women. I’m working to change this.