That’s the latest; any quantity of alcohol on a regular basis can cause cancer. A study involving over a million women in the UK presented in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute concluded that drinking even low to moderate amounts of alcohol increases your risk of certain cancers. Their findings reflect results from multiple other studies with a similar focus.
They found an increase in cancers of the oral cavity, rectum and breast regardless of the type of alcohol consumed. So yes, even that glass of red wine increases your breast cancer risk. For every drink you add to your regular alcohol regime, you add even more to your risk.
Why the increase in breast cancer? Alcohol increases the concentration of sex hormones (notably estrogen) circulating through the body exposing breast tissue to extra hormones. Cancers can be triggered, as estrogens role is to stimulate growth and development especially of the glands and tissues in the breast and uterus.
If you happen to smoke, this risk is significantly increased even more. Alcohol acts as a solvent for the carcinogenic ingredients in the cigarette smoke allowing them easier and greater access into the body.
So what’s a girl to do? Take a serious look at your alcohol habits and see where you can minimize your exposure. As good as it may taste, it may not be worth the risk.
By Marsha Hamilton