
Warming Socks

Clear a Cold & Help You Sleep This treatment is not safe for everyone so please check in with your doctor first. Warming socks is a form of hydrotherapy, a technique that uses water as a therapeutic tool to increase blood flow and lymphatic drainage, stimulate the...

The Difference Between A Summer Cold and Summer Allergies

Cold symptoms often mimic those experienced by allergy sufferers; sneezing, sinus pressure, runny nose, and chest congestion. Due to the similarities, many people often confuse one for the other, and may end up treating the wrong affliction, and may not see their...

Dos and Don’ts of a Healthy Summer

The sun is out, the temperature is rising, and the days are getting longer. Summer is the perfect time to actively pursue a healthy lifestyle, so here are some simple dos and don’ts to get you into the swing of things. If you follow these simple guidelines, this...

Health Fair Zinc Information & Massage Drawing Winners!

By Lenka Dresselhaus, Massage Therapist & Nutritional Therapy Practitioner First of all, I would like to thank everyone that participated in the zinc taste test at the Clackamas County Employee Health Fair. What a great group of people you are! I know that many of...

Movember – Celebrating Men’s Health

November is the month of Movember, where men around the world sprout moustaches in support of men’s health. It’s a charity where men, known as ‘Mo Bros’ start the month clean-shaven, then grow their moustaches, or Mo’s, for the next 30 days asking for donations. The...

Children’s Eye Health

Have you been wondering when the appropriate time is to take your child in for their first eye exam? I  asked a pediatric optometrist who recommends the first comprehensive eye exam at 6 months of age. The rational is that if a child is going to develop a concerning...