No one has time to be sick over the holidays, but, unfortunately, fall and winter are traditionally the cold and flu seasons. Here at Flow Natural Health Care, we offer wellness exams as well as other holistic health services.
Why Do I Get Sick When the Seasons Change?
Many people throughout Portland suffer from cold and flu when the seasons change from summer to fall or winter. The reason isn’t directly related to how the drop in temperature affects your body – but it has to do with the temperatures causing new viruses and forms of bacteria to flourish.
Another reason it’s cold and flu season is that we often coop ourselves up indoors during the fall and winter. With so many people in close contact, it’s easier for disease to spread.
Finally, stress is a contributing factor to seasonal illness. Holiday stress can launch cold and flu season from one sick person to an entire sick office.
Fall and Winter Immune Support
While we would love to see you here at Flow Natural Health Care, we hope you stay in good health this season! With that in mind, we are offering several seasonal immune support ideas for you and your family’s health.
Wear seasonal clothing
It’s almost a joke throughout Portland that you can tell when the sun is out because someone is wearing shorts and a t-shirt – no matter what the temperature is. We’ve seen this happen more than once – in fact, last year we saw someone shoveling snow in flip flops! Instead of baring your chest to the season, try bundling up. The shock of cold temperatures hitting you when you’ve been cozy and warm in your home can affect your more than you may think.
Don’t go overboard on sugar
Tis the season to eat way too much sugar! Instead of chowing on figgy pudding this winter, try making some healthy desserts. There are many ways to cut or replace refined sugar in desserts by adding fresh and dried fruit, maple syrup, agave, and other – healthier – foods.
Stay hydrated
Many people mistakenly cut down on their water intake during the fall and winter because of the wet weather. However, you are most likely indoors, enjoying the dry, heated air. So, be sure to drink plenty of water, take electrolytes, and generally stay hydrated!
Try to keep your regular schedule
With the holidays coming up it can be challenging to keep up your normal schedule. However, maintaining your healthy habits all year long can keep you feeling happy and healthy.
Keep up your vitamin intake
We often forget about taking our usual vitamins and minerals as we rush through these fall and winter days. School breaks, holidays and more can throw off your carefully crafted daily dose of vitamins. Try to keep taking your vitamins regularly – even if you have to travel or have guests over at your house.
Important vitamins to take over the wintertime include vitamins C, D, and E. B vitamins can also help reduce stress and keep your brain functioning at high gear during the holiday season.
Get a wellness exam
Are you hoping to get the season started off right? Be sure to get a wellness exam here at Flow Natural Health Care. We can help you craft the right health regimen for your needs.
Seasonal illness doesn’t have to affect your family. Make an appointment here at Flow Natural Health Care and let us know your health concerns. We are here to help you improve your health, naturally.